Sen Rand Paul Patriot Act Amendment Killed

As this blog post is written, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, who this blogger considers to be a wacky guy on civil rights issues, is watching his Patriot Act amendment, called Amendment 348, go down in flames in the U.S. Senate.

Senator Paul, who worked to force an amendment to the Patriot Act that, if passed, would have effectively suspended the suspicious activity reports provision of the legislation, long and forcefully under the assertion that the basic rights of Americans were being violated.

But Mr. Paul’s spirited presentation was greatly over-shadowed by fact that we live in a time of great fear of even possible terrorist attacks.

And when a deranged person is able to do harm to someone – as in the case of Jared Loughner’s gun attack on Arizona Representative Gail Giffords – we ask ‘How did they get the gun, and why wasn’t law enforcement tracking them?’

Well, if Senator Paul had his way, America would have lost the ability to track any one who gave reasonable suspicion of terrorist behavior, by checking their gun purchasing records. Now are their abuses to the law? Yes. But throwing the ‘baby out with the bathwater’ isn’t the answer.

Rand Paul sees the World via a rather narrow Libertarian lens. If he’s to succeed beyond one term, he has to realize that view point, by design, is now always in accordance with America’s desires.

Even hard-core conservative Republicans like Georgia’s Saxby Chambliss (who said he owns more guns than anyone in the Senate) failed to support “my friend” Rand Paul in this vote, saying it would “harm law enforcement.”

Yeas 91, Nays, 4 Amendment 348 is withdrawn.  That means it’s killed.

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