Disney Buys Maker Studios For 500 Million: YouTube Partners Impact

Disney Buys Maker Studios For 500 Million: YouTube Partners Impact Disney Buys Maker Studios For 500 Million. YouTube Partners should rejoice over the positive impact Disney’s decision will have on the YouTube Universe. It’s an affirmation of what we all do and our growing way of delivering media. It’s also a rubber-stamp of the YouTube Network system – something I hated because of the practice of taking revenue off the top from a partner who at times didn’t know how to evaluate the value of what the network was doing. It’s a risk for Disney, but not in the way you think. Disney’s bet is that more will move to that form of media – but Walt Disney’s Company’s own stamp of approval and money is the real force that will drive Maker Studios growth. http://ift.tt/OZmYpq

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