Dez Bryant Cleared In Walmart Incident, If You Want To Believe It

There has been a lot of really ridiculous talk and rancor around the idea that Dez Bryant was the negative focus of a video that still has not seen the light of day. The blog Terez Owens (which used to be Terez Hilton until Paris Hilton and Perez Hilton got pissed off with them and wne to court) insisted that there was a “Dez Bryant Video” that was going to make him look worse that Ray Rice.

UPDATE: No video exists:

So, the NFL media world waited with baited breath for this garbage video to come out, and one that I said would have no impact on Dez Bryant’s career:

Then, the organization via Ian Rapport, released a copy of the original police report from that time of the occurrence of The Walmart Incident. I provide it for you to read below, and talk about it here:

..but basically, this is what it reads:

On July 11th 2011, at 6:08 AM (in the morning), an Officer Johnson of the Lancaster Texas Police Department, went to a Wamart at North I-35 East about what he wrote as an “unknown disturbance.” What happened was a black woman named Ilyse Nash, who was 24 at the time, said she had an argument with someone, a black male named Alex Penson. There was a security guard who said he was responding to a report by an unknown person that he or she saw a woman being dragged out of a car. The only car there was a white Mercedez Benz that was owned by Dez Bryant, but then, Officer Johnson says there was a black Cadillac Escalade that drove up was also owned by Dez Bryant, but driven by Carl King and Chris Mitchell – they talked to Officer Johnson. They also talked with the security guard, but while they did, Dez himself drove up in a Bentley and with Ilyse Nash as passenger.

Dez said he was called to by Ilyse Nash who said she had an argument with someone – the black male named Alex Penson. Officer Johnson said that after speaking with all parties involved, he determined that nothing in the way of an offense happened.

From this, it reads like the black male named Alex Penson was the person in the video and not Dez. But something else: Dez Bryant owned all of the cars involved, the Mercedes, the Cadillac, and the Bentley – it looks like he’s got a lot of hangers on and two of them got into an argument.

That’s what the report says, but that’s not stopping some in the media from reporting a different story. Ian Rapport got on Pro Football Talk Internet Radio and said the report was not conclusive without seeing a video – that’s totally wrong.

The report is clear, unless you just have to believe Dez did something wrong. There’s a reason Terez Owens Blog is backing off this Dez Bryant Video, and it’s because there’s nothing showing Dez doing something wrong.

Here’s the report:

The Dez Bryant Video Incident Report by Zennie Abraham

Stay tuned.

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