President Obama Christmas In Hawaii 2014

President Obama’s spending Christmas in Hawaii. Here’s President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama’s Christmas video, followed by texts from the White House Press Pool emails I received today:

Christmas Eve:


Earlier today, Mrs. Obama answered calls from children asking where Santa was located as part of the annual NORAD Tracks Santa program run by the North American Aerospace Defense Command. This is the First Lady’s fifth year participating in this Christmas Eve tradition.

Mrs. Obama started the calls at around 11:30am local time, and spoke to children for about 30 minutes.

A transcript will be released shortly. A photo can be found here: >< Background on the NORAD Tracks Santa Program: The NORAD Tracks Santa program began in 1955 after a phone call was made to the Continental Air Defense Command Operations Center in Colorado Springs, Colo. The call was from a local youngster who dialed a misprinted telephone number in a local newspaper advertisement. The commander on duty who answered the phone that night gave the youngster the information requested - the whereabouts of Santa. This began the tradition of tracking Santa, a tradition that was carried on by NORAD when it was formed in 1958. The NORAD Tracks Santa program has grown immensely since first presented on the Internet in 1998. The website receives millions of unique visitors from hundreds of countries and territories around the world. In addition, a live Operations Center is occupied for 25 hours with more than 1,200 volunteers each year who receive hundreds of thousands of phone calls and emails from families around the world. Carol Lee The Wall Street Journal Christmas Day To Date And Time: Subject: Travel pool 1/background on Potus Xmas Pool is at hold in Kailua at 10:45 amon this warm sunny Christmas morning. Background from the White House: Last evening, prior to Christmas Eve dinner with the First Family and friends, the President made holiday telephone calls to US service members from each branch of the military who are currently stationed around the globe. In these calls he expressed his gratitude for the service and sacrifice of our troops and their families. This morning, the family gathered to open up their Christmas gifts and sing carols. Later this afternoon, the President and the First Lady will go to the Marine Corps Base Hawaii, Kaneohe Bay to visit with service members and their families and thank them for their service to the country. -30- Sent from my iPhone Subject: Travel pool 2/ motorcade on the move At 11:13 am the Potus motorcade emerged from the Kailua subdivision passing a small gathering of onlookers including a family with skateboards and young children in swimsuits on bikes. A Secret Service agent helped one girl lift her bike, complete with streamers off the handlebars, off the road onto the sidewalk so she could safely watch the motorcade pas by. Pooler did not see Potus through tinted glass but others in pool claimed they spotted Flotus and Malia. On the move to undisclosed location. -30- Sent from my iPhone Merry Christmas!

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