Rihanna Ducks Chris Brown Questions; Leaves London Hotel

Rihanna, the lovely famed singer who’s equally famous for her row with rapper Chris Brown, was just seen leaving a London hotel in a mosh of fans and press (which are the same thing, now-a-days).

This just happened: a Twitter user by the name of Jesal Parshotam put out a photo on Twitter (which is putting it in the public domain) and said in two Twitter tweets, he tried to get Rihanna to talk about “her relationship with Chris Brown” but she was having none of it.

And here’s the Twitter tweet that included the photo:

As to the hotel, it was in London, but not, as of this writing, disclosed. But it’s clear Rihanna’s back together with the man who beat her to a near pulp in 2009, qs she spent Thanksgiving with him in Berlin.

Yep. You read that correctly. Chris Brown’s still on probation for the incident, but ended his relationship with a woman named Karrueche this year, because he was still in love with Rihanna.

Which brings us to this video apology…

Stay tuned..

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