Nancy Neiderhauser AirBnB Testimonial At SF Sentinel – Video

Nancy Neiderhauser AirBnB Testimonial At SF Sentinel – Video

Nancy Neiderhauser AirBnB Testimonial At San Francisco Sentinel.

The Nancy Neiderhauser AirBnB Testimonial At SF Sentinel is worth reading as she really describes how her life has been helped by the tech connector of people with home owners. This is a sample:

Meeting amazing people from around the world is of equal value to the income. My guests add a wonderful flavor to my life. I get to know people young enough to be my grandchildren, learn about their lives and their dreams. Over the years, I’ve had several returning guests with whom I’ve created true friendships. I’ve had the pleasure to know two university professors from Kentucky whose son and family lived one block away without a guest room. They spent numerous holidays with me and came when a new baby was added to the family. Even when they could not stay with me they brought the baby by to say hello. I hosted a young woman from Manhattan doing reconnaissance on where she would move, who became my neighbor and invited me to her engagement party. I’ve had high tech workers based in the Ukraine. I’ve had visitors of all ages and walks of life from Europe, Asia, Australia and South America. The world has come to me from at least three if not all four corners of the globe. We’ve shared stories about our families, politics, and communities. My existence has been made much richer by this endeavor.

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