Joel Young: Judge Grants Oakland’s Jason Overman’s Restraining Order

Oakland AC Transit Board Member Joel Young is in hot water again, as an Alameda County Superior Court Judge just granted a restraining order filed on Monday against him and by Oakland City Council Aide Jason Overman. All of this stems from an incident at Make Westing Bar at Telegraph and 18th Avenue in Oakland’s Uptown District on Saturday, January 14th.

The scene was the Oakland EMERGE event, and according to sources, Young greeted Overman with “Walk away before I beat your fucking ass, you piece of shit.” Now, Jason told police that Young asked him to step outside and then put his face up to Overman and said “You just wait until my campaign is over. I’m going to find you and beat your fucking ass, you shit.”

Overman said that Young spit in his eye before departing from the bar.

Now Young was with a woman, San Mateo County Commissioner Keesa Ocampo, a 27-year old community relations officer for the international media conglomerate, ABS-CBN International, who for some reason thinks the story is really all about her, and said that Overman made advances toward her.


Let’s think about that one. If Jason had made advances toward Keesa Ocampo, that’s still a stupid reason for Joel Young to get in Overman’s face, let alone spit on him.

I thought all of this kind of behavior was in Young’s past. Last year Young was involved in a sex scandal with his ex-girlfriend that led to domestic violence charges that Young was cleared of. Now, Young’s anger management problems have appeared to sting him yet again.

What Joel has to realize is that he’s in the middle of a political campaign and there are people watching, waiting for him to screw up, then flying in to report on it when he does. This is a case in point, because I’ve received a number of phone calls about this new issue.

I thought Joel was past this.

Here’s my video:

Stay tuned.

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