Fox News Megyn Kelly Gets Pepper Spray From UC Davis Police Lt John Pike

UPDATE: Kelly explains pepper spray comments.

UC Davis Pepper Spray Megan Kelly Gets It From Lt John Pike
Just about over a day after the November 18th UC Davis Police action against UC Davis students in non-violent protest, where UC Davis Police Lt. John Pike grabbed a bottle of pepper spray and started covering kneeling students with it, Fox News Anchor Megyn Kelly made a silly statement.

On Fox News’ “The O’reilly Factor,” Kelly said that pepper spray was basically just a “a food product essentially,” and went on to basically imply that it was hamless and edible – like any food product.

Kelly’s comments were so silly, New Yorker Nick Douglas has a petition out to have her actually get pepper sprayed on the air. The petition already has 15,000 signatures according to Reuters.

And this blogger wondered what it would look like if Kelly herself were pepper sprayed by the same Lt. John Pike. The result is this video.

Given Kelly’s comments, it’s reasonable to expect she may actually enjoy being pepper sprayed in the face, but we really will not know until it happens. But, if Kelly really believes pepper spray’s just a food product, she should take up the challenge and have it sprayed at her on Fox News, and by UC Davis Lt. John Pike.

That would be awesome.

Stay tuned.

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