Prince George Alexander Louis: The Royal Baby’s Name; But Prince George Zimmerman?

Trayvon-Martin-George-Zimmerman-620x457 The Royal Family, that is William and Kate, or the Duke and Dutchess of Cambridge, have, for some reason, named their new baby boy, their little bundle of joy, “Prince George” or “Prince George Alexander Louis.” This revelation has led to tweets including the disgusting name “Prince George Zimmerman.”

In fact, the use of Prince George Zimmerman is so prevalent that when you search for “Prince George,” “Prince George Zimmerman” is the second search result on Twitter, as of this writing.

And that’s just one hour after the Royal Baby was named.

This officially proves the British Royal Family is tone-deaf to social media, even as they use it. Here’s some examples of tweets that have “”Prince George Zimmerman:”

In truth, I don’t think the Royal Family had Trayvon Martin’s killer George Zimmerman in mind when they named the Royal Baby.

Prince George Alexander Louis was born Monday at at 4:24 p.m. (British Summer Time) in the Lindo Wing of St. Mary’s Hospital in London, weighing 8 pounds, 6 ounces. Prince George is third in line to the thrown, and the 45th British monarch born.

But just why they chose “Prince George Alexander Louis,” is a question. With the name “Louis” which could be taken as “Louise,” he’s in for a bit of teasing over the years.

And add to that “Prince George Zimmerman” and he’ll be marked for life.

Stay tuned.

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