Edward Snowden: 30 Journalists On Plane, No Snowden In Seat

Either Edward Snowden was arrested, or took a different flight to Cuba, or is on Aeroflot flight SU150 from Moscow to Cuba but in a different seat and in a disguise, because according to this Twitter tweet, there are 30 journalists on the same plane and Snowden was to have two seats 17 B and 17 C, but both, as you can see by the photo, are empty.


Here’s the video for background:

As I wrote before:

Edward Snowden, the NSA Whisleblower and Ex-CIA Contractor, is reportedly on his way to Cuba as this is being written, and a 7 AM press conference is planned in Ecuador with the Foreign Minister. Sources are quoting an Interfax source (Interfax is a subscription news service.)

From reports citing a source in Sheremetevo airport air traffic control in Moscow, Aeroflot flight SU150 has left Moscow at 14:04 local time (11:04 GMT) and is set to fly through US airspace a just a few miles from the coast of New York City and on its way to Havana, Cuba. Snowden has checked in for the flight and there are two seats under his name (17A and 17C), reports the Associated Press.

Stay tuned.

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