For the past five years the brothers of Mu Sigma Chi, “MEX”, have put on a Super Bowl Party in the Furman Center for all the students to attend, watch the game and enjoy some free food. People showed up and were served meatballs, hot dogs, chicken, jalapeño poppers and baked goods provided by their sister sororities Delta Sigma Delta, “Delta” and Epsilon Tau Epsilon, “ETE.” There were many people in attendance, some part of Greek life, some came because they were interested in Greek life and some people showed up just to watch the game and have free food.
During the halftime show Madonna performed on the television and Second Vice President Andrew McQuinn talked about how important the fraternity is to him. It really changed his life for the better. He has a second family that he can go to at any time day or night, a support group of people who will do anything for him.
“The difference between brothers and friends is that brothers are there for you for life but friends come and go. My brothers are going to be there for my wedding and the birth of my first child; whereas friends can dissipate.”
Andrew emphasizes that MEX is much more diverse than any of the other fraternities at Husson University featuring an eclectic group of guys with lots of different backgrounds and personalities.
MEX won the Community Service Award in 2011 and does many specific things for the community such as the annual 24 Hour Relay for the United Way. In 2011 they raised just under $1000 toward the United Way. They help out the Manna House by doing various volunteer work such as serving them dinner and helping them move food into different storage areas so that they would have food for their food drive.
MEX President, Bernerd Cannavan pledged in the Fall of 2009 with three other guys after his roommate had pledged a different fraternity the semester prior, he says, “We are all Greek when to comes down to it.”
“We’re not drunks, we’re not all about paddling each other’s asses.”
Looking at the MEX sweatshirts there are three colors that are most apparent and consistent on every article of clothing red, black and silver. Those are not just colors, but they represent the values of the fraternity.
“Red stands for courage, black stands for honesty and silver stands for loyalty. They reflect life, because you always have to be honest, you always have to have courage and you always have to be loyal. We upholds those. Brothers have the same values and have gone through the same experiences.”
This is Bernerd’s final semester and he hopes that he can accomplish a lot being President of the fraternity. He hopes to bring the fraternity closer together, reinforcing the bonds of brotherhood and strengthening Pi Rho Zeta.
Because I’m Nikky Raney & you’re not.
Student, blogger & aspiring journalist as well as editor.
I have already been a paid journalist and I have a lot of experience.
Worked for political campaigns as well as at a television station.
I am currently attending New England School of Communications in Bangor, Maine.
I was Managing Editor and was one of the creators in 2006 of the largest student run newspaper in New England: The Tide, at Dover High School in Dover, New Hampshire.
I was born June 7, 1990 in the Philippines.
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