Jericho Recommendation

Here’s a television recommendation that is definitely a nice Christmas present. While searching Netflix for a new show and series to get into my boyfriend and I found the show Jericho. Now, although the show only aired from 2006-2008 and had two seasons – this show is addicting. We are in the first season about 21 episodes in, and it is probably one of the most quality tv shows that I have seen in a while.

Here is’s summary:

“When Jake Green returns to his Kansas small-town home Jericho, where his dad Johnston is mayor, everyone is preoccupied with petty private business and family matters, but that changes drastically after a completely unexpected explosion. It soon becomes clear there has been a nuclear attack, but neither by whom nor on which scale. Suddenly life in Jericho, and as the inhabitants gradually discover all over the disintegrating USA, becomes a more primordial struggle for survival, where unexperienced dangers, primitive as well as technological, have to be weighed against pressing primal needs, such as food, fuel and self-defense against plunderers, invaders and even each-other. Jake, whose private story like that of other main characters slowly becomes disclosed to us, proves extremely resourceful and a smart hero, while his father’s mayoral authority and even that of the only available medical professionals is soon challenged and undermined…”

It follows a nuclear attack and has multiple separate but intertwining story lines within the plot. This is a show that is worth watching, and it’s going to be sad once we finish all the episodes.

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