Occupy Oakland / Occupy Wall St. Showcase For New Demographic

If anyone wants to see the new power in Oakland, just look at the incredible production of media driven by the amazing activity of protestors involved in the Occupy Oakland / Occupy Wall Street movement.

While mainstream media reporters unfairly focus on the actions of a few Occupy Oakland / Occupy Wall Street people, what they miss – as usual – is the rise of Oakland’s new young political demographic. It’s generally between 21 and 31, more white, but well-mixed, college educated, and a fascinating mix of the liberal and libertarian at the same time. Obama supporters who can stand Ron Paul, mixed with Ron Paul supporters who can stand President Obama.

What all of these activist have in common is the idea that something is very wrong with the World, and this is their chance to be known and seen. That was evident when Occupy Oakland / Occupy Wall St. took over the Chase Bank on Lakeshore Avenue near Lake Merritt.

And Oakland, from elected officials, to older hands, to just plain observers like this blogger, finds it all fascinating.

This group has been in formation for the last 10 years. A combination of the growth of a group of people who weren’t as contaminated with the “isms” of the past, coupled with the rise of digital communications, high housing costs in San Francisco, and a dramatic decrease in the institutional investor racism that’s harmed Oakland’s economic development, gave rise to this new demographic.

The first wave of this group voted for Barack Obama for President, and cheered when he won. Now, it’s joined by a second wave that’s impatient for change and at a time of what is arguably the largest class-culture war in this country’s history. They rightly fear for their future, and ours, and have taken to the streets to fight for it.

An awesome development.

Frankly, Oakland officials have handled this well. There is a way to work with Occupy Oakland / Occupy Wall Street without bloodshed or violence.

Personally, I’m confident Mayor Quan, an activist herself, will find it.

Mayor Quan, please prove me right!

Via Flickr:

Oakland natives take to the streets chanting “Who’s Streets? OUR STREETS!”


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