Scarlett Johansson Nude Photo Scandal: FBI Not Investigating Actress’ Reps

Recently, photos of a nude Scarlett Johansson were leaked to various news bloggers, including this blogger, around the World. The initial take from this corner was that Ms. Johansson took the one photo of her perhaps to generate publicity. The photo was certainly noted at

Tisk, tisk, tisk!
We expected her to be a little smarter than this! Oh well!
We wonder for whom she took these?! Sean or RyRy?! Ha!

At, it didn’t receive such major play, taking third role within a blog post primarily about Chamillionaire. I compared the photo matter to the Anthony Weiner scandal, writing:

The problem with the photo, which will not be posted here, is that it looks for all the World like the Anthony Weiner scandal. But the reason why it never got to the point of a counter-accusation of the photo being intentionally posted by Ms. Johansson is that she’s not a politician, and thus does not offer herself as a target for an opposition group or person.

Like Andrew Breitbart of the blog Big Government, who basically teed off on Weiner, and spread the Congressman’s photos all over the place.

But the question must be asked: did Ms. Johansson take and distribute the photo? The photo brought to this blogger’s attention shows her obviously using a cell phone to take a photo of herself. Cell phones have apps that allow quick uploads and texts to persons and to groups. Is it possible she hit the wrong button?

When contacted by Evan N. Spiegel, the lawyer from Lavely Singer, the firm representing Ms. Johansson in this matter, there was no problem with this space removing the one photo or editing the video to have it taken out. But the conversation with Mr. Spiegel did lead this blogger to wonder if the firms presenting Ms. Johansson (and the other stars that were targeted) were themselves investigated by the FBI? It would seem a logical thing to do, if only to cover all bases.

The idea that either Ms. Johansson or someone close to her distributed the nude photos of her, could be dispelled if that was the focus on the FBI’s investigation.

Indeed, given her anger, it’s obvious that Scarlette herself had nothing to do with the distribution of the photo, and the photos as a whole – but that doesn’t clear someone close to her. To determine if the FBI was looking in that direction, a call was placed to FBI Spokesperson Laura Eimiller.

Ms. Eimiller said that the investigation “involves a number of persons who were targeted,” and extends back to 2010. But she said that the FBI was not investigating anyone who represents or is close to Ms. Johansson.

Agencies And PR Firms Like A Good Leak, But…

Since the hacker group Hollwood Leaks claimed it had nothing to do with the Johansson photos, and since it’s hard to determine who placed the photos on Twitter-based distribution channels like YFrog (where such photos are distributed into the public space with a warning), it’s fair to ask if someone who had a beef or perhaps was trying to drum up publicity for Ms. Johansson without her knowledge was up to this.

But since the FBI’s not looking in that direction, we may never know. What is known, according to The Guardian is that Hollywood reps enjoy a good leak:

Of course, the dirty secret of Hollywood studios and the most powerful PR agencies is that they often love a good leak. While stars may rail against the paparazzi, the fact remains that many PRs – and some of their more desperate clients – will happily tip off a photographer. There is a reason why celebrities return to the same restaurants and clubs night after night, and it is not out of a desire for secrecy. Indeed little has changed since the old days. Nothing creates more publicity – especially with a romantic comedy – than the rumour that the leading stars may have had an on-set romance.

Let’s hope this isn’t the case, and that Ms. Johansson doesn’t have to worry about anyone around her, but what’s wrong with the FBI turning its gaze in that direction? The blogging community has been flogged enough on this matter, and since we’re all fans of Ms. Johansson, we’re only happy to help her clear her image.

Stay tuned.

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