Jersey Shore: Jionni is a Jerk

Last night’s episode of Jersey Shore was so intense, and there is a lot to say about it.

The cast starts off worrying about Nicole, because of course Snooki ended up in jail with Deena, but it was ended quickly and everyone came home.

Nicole is excited for Jionni to come – he is supposed to be coming with Roger, but apparently Roger couldn’t get work off. JWOWW calls Roger and she ends up crying – she is so sad that she won’t be able to see her boyfriend.

So Sammi and Deena take Sammi out for a girl’s night.

While Snooki is at home stalker Brittany comes looking for Mike. Snooki knows Mike will come back with another chick so she hides Brittany in his bed. The plan goes well at first then backfires when Mike decides to send the other girl home and just have sex with Brittany.

Soon Jionni comes. Snooki contemplates what outfit to wear and when she finally sees him she hugs and kisses him and she cries, and then the two of them go to the smush room and make love.

Then they go out for the night and this whole time ever since Jionni got there The Situation is freaking paranoid and making up his own drama thinking that Jionni wants to start beef with him, and seriously he is just looking for a reason to get into a fight with Jionni, and it’s stupid.

Jionni tells Snooki he has never loved anything as much as he loves her and then they make out.

Then they go to another club and Snooki starts dancing like a whore – Jionni feels embarrassed, throws a coat at her and walks away. And JWOWW and Ronnie try to stop him, but he keeps walking. Snooki chases after him, stumbling down and screaming that she hates Jenni. She is a drunk mess, and Jionni is such a jerk for just walking away instead of talking it out like a mature adult.

The group goes home and like three hours later (after they stopped searching for Jionni) Jionni shows up, and Nicole runs to greet him, but he runs right past her. He goes to get his stuff, storms out the front door, and he just leaves.

And that’s how it ends.
What a jerk – I mean seriously that is such a rude thing to do.
Talk things out, be mature.
He flew to Italy to see her and he’s acting like such a jerk.
Hopefully next week we will see how this gets resolved, and if it gets resolved, but honestly the way he acted was completely irrational.

Previews of next week episode show Vinny and Snooki making out and potentially having sex – so this will be quite the episode. Lots of action going on and more to come!

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