Ted Cruz White Supremacist Associations Are Disturbing

Ted Cruz, the junior United States Senator from Texas, is so outrageous I think of him as a Congressman. Senator Cruz fancies himself something of a darling of what he thinks is the intellectual right, and believes himself to be a darling of the GOP and the Tea Party Movement. Senator Cruz is also a man in love with what he believes to be his unassailable reasons for his beliefs. But the reality is that Senator Ted Cruz is a man who’s a slave to his racist ideology, one that causes him to associate with White Supremacists. Moreover, his circles seem to regularly bring him to be in the same room, if not be-friending, some of these people of very questionable character.

On July 15th, Cruz allowed his name to be attached to and then attended a rally against the proposed immigration bill and organized by white nationalist John Tanton. (Some YouTube commenters thought I was making up the idea that Cruz attended the rally, but even the conservative blog The Blaze said he was there.)

Mr. Tanton uses ugly language in his description of blacks – like me. Tanton has called black Americans a “retrograde species of humanity,” which can only come from an individual who’s psycho enough to hold a negative view of anyone because their skin is dark. But with this, Cruz jumped in and let his name be attached to John Tanton: white supremacist ideas and all.

In fact, as one looks around, online, Senator Cruz’ is regularly associated with John Tanton’s, and in turn, Tanton is also called “the father of the anti-immigration movement.” Yikes.

John Tanton’s a bad guy. He’s referred to Latin Americans as being of questionable “educability,” (making up his own words to show his own poor education) and warned of a “Latin onslaught.” Moreover, Mr. Tanton said, in 1993, that “I’ve come to the point of view that for European-American society and culture to persist requires a European-American majority, and a clear one at that.”

Peter Brimelow, another white nationalist, and founder of the racist website VDARE has fallen in love with Ted Cruz’ anti-immigration stance, and he and his contributors regularly refer to his ideas at the VDARE website.

Indeed, Ted Cruz regularly pops up at rallies where white nationalists happen to be. Take CPAC. Ted Cruz speaks there and breaths the same air as White Nationalist Robert Vandervoort and members of his group ProEnglish. CPAC’s assembly is so racist, that Devin Burghart and Leonard Zeskind, writing in Race, Racism, & White Nationalism on March 8, 2013 observed “seeing the Tea Party emerge at CPAC 2013 is a little like watching the first time white power skinheads showed up at the Gainesville, Georgia Kluxer event in 1989.”

Of course, someone will bring up that former Rep Allan West was there, as was the Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, and then they will say “And they’re black.” But the tale of the self-hating African American, ashamed of his people, is an old one. It takes nothing away from the fact that Senator Ted Cruz has white nationalist associations he should disavow.

Stay tuned.

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