With “President Obama & Secret Service” At Comic Con: BattlePillars

obama-fakePresident Obama at Comic Con?

Well, yes, sort of.

President Barack Obama and his Secret Service detail were at Comic Con 2013, and in the form of Reggie Brown and five security guards.

You see, Reggie Brown is the World’s best Obama impersonator, and was at Comic Con 2013 to help promote a new app called “BattlePillars.”

BattlePillars is described as a “free-to-play backyard adventure enables users to construct an army of battlepillars by choosing various weapons and armor to overcome the enemy.” True to form, President Obama used drones as an example during our conversation in the makeshift press room at Room 27 A, B at San Diego Convention Center. “There’s a lot of controversy selling drones. So HitSence.com developed a game that puts BattlePillars on the ground.”

But the real star of the show wasn’t BattlePillars, but President Obama.

President Obama is played by Reggie Brown, who has every little move or expression that the President has made down to a an acting science. As one who’s met both men, Mr. Brown actually feels like Barack Obama. It’s uncanny.

What was most fun, and the video shows this, is to see the crowd’s reaction to “President Obama.” There was a lot of “he looks just like him,” and similar yells from the Comic Con fans. And President Obama made a big splash at the WIRED Party in The Omni Hotel, too.

In all, it’s an experience I can say I felt blessed to be able to capture on video.

Stay tuned.

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