Edward Snowden Lands In Moscow From Hong Kong

Edward Snowden, called The NSA Whisleblower, has landed in Moscow after leaving Hong Kong with the help of WikiLeaks members.

The Hong Kong Government issued a statement that the United States’ Department Of Justice did not provide sufficient legal reason to send Mr. Snowden back to The United States. The Hong Kong Government said “The documents did not fully comply with the legal requirements under Hong Kong law. The Hong Kong Government has requested that the Department Of Justice provide additional information, so that the Department Of Justice could consider whether the U.S. Government’s request can meet the relevant legal conditions. As the HKSAR Government has yet to have sufficient information to process the request for provisional warrant of arrest, there is no legal basis to restrict Mr. Snowden from leaving Hong Kong.”

So, Edward Snowden flew out of Hong Kong, thanks to WikiLeaks, and according to this tweet issued 28 minutes ago, has landed in Moscow:

Stay tuned.

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