Treyvon Martin Rally Draws 30,000 People

Treyvon Martin is dead, George Zimmerman’s still not behind bars. And, for the first time in this blogger’s memory, America, regardless of color, is pissed off. The truth is, in 2012, while Treyvon Martin is black, the fact is, he could be the son, cousin, or brother, of any American regardless of color.

The outrage over George Zimmerman’s stalking and killing of 17-year-old Treyvon Martin has caused the formation of rallies around the country. The largest known one was held in Sanford, Florida, where Treyvon Martin was murdered, and drew 30,000 people, and another one was held in New York City at Union Square, and called “The Million Hoodie March”.

In Florida:

At Harvard:

Stay tuned.

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