Danica Patrick Divorced, Jeff Tedford Fired On Thanksgiving Week. Why?

Danica Patrick
Danica Patrick
The greeting is “Happy Thanksgiving,” but it can’t be that happy for race driver Danica Patrick, who announced he and her husband Paul Paul Hospenthal were divorcing after seven years of marital bliss, this week. Or what about Cal – Berkeley Coach Jeff Tedford, who had to deal with being fired after posting his one and only bad season this Thanksgiving Week.

Why is it that Thanksgiving seems to bring the worst personal news? This blogger doesn’t have an answer, but the question is out there. So, with that, here’s a request: if you have to do something negative to someone else, can’t it wait until after Thanksgiving week? How about postponing it until after the Holiday Season?

It’s just a request, but a very important one. We have to restore good spirits to the Holiday Season.

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