Iron Man 3 Teaser Trailer For Trailer Social Media First

The Iron Man 3 Teaser Trailer of the Iron Man 3…trailer…is out. This may be the first time a studio has released a teaser trailer for a trailer, and not the movie the trailer’s based on. But considering the importance of social media in communicating a message, and taking in to account the need to cut through other news, this is a great idea.

The Iron Man 3 teaser trailer doesn’t show us much, but what it does show is provocative, and that’s the part where Pepper Potts is in some kind of trouble. Note this would be the first Iron Man movie that has Pepper (played expertly by Gwineth Paltrow) in some kind of danger where she’s already captures, and not about to be captured or harmed in some way (as was the case in Iron Man 1.

It also marks the debut of the Mark VIII Suit. Moreover, Marvel’s released images of the legendary actor Ben Kingsley as Mandarin, further pointing to the story introduced here at

Stay tuned.

Iron Man 3 will be released May 3rd, 2013.

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