Bachmann’s Staff in NH Quits

Reuters reported October 21, 2011 that Michele Bachmann’s campaign staff in New Hampshire has quit. This is very good news for other Republican candidates, because New Hampshire is an important state (it’s my state, but it’s also the first primary state). There is speculation that Bachmann doesn’t even care about winning New Hampshire:

” “It certainly underscores the impression that New Hampshire isn’t a priority for her. She’s totally written us off,” said former Republican state legislator Fran Wendelboe. “

It has been made clear that her first priority is Iowa.
Bachmann told Radio Iowa that she was really unaware of this news and she didn’t think it was true at first according to CBS:

“In an interview with Radio Iowa, Bachmann expressed incredulity over news of the resignations, first reported by New Hampshire television station WMUR. “That is a shocking story to me,” she said. “I don’t know where that came from. We have called staff in New Hampshire to find out where that came from and the staff have said that isn’t true, so I don’t know if this is just a bad story that’s being fed by a different candidate or campaign. I have no idea where this came from, but we’ve made calls and it’s certainly not true.”

However, Chidester told CBS/NJ in an email that he resigned last week. “That information was conveyed to the people that are closest to Michele,” Chidester wrote. “If that information was not shared, that is unfortunate.” “

CBS News recently reported that the staffers left her for Rick Perry:

” One of the aides who quit, Caroline Gilger, Bachmann’s southern state field director, is joining the rival campaign of Texas Gov. Rick Perry.

Chidester is a longtime Bachmann friend and supporter and a well-known radio talk show host. Reached by email on Friday, Chidester told CBS/NJ that the staff will be issuing a joint statement. “We are more than a team, we have all bonded over the past few months,” Chidester wrote. “This is one of the finest group of people I have every had the pleasure of working with. Each one of them is smart, dedicated, and committed to each other. We have not had an opportunity to talk to each other since the story broke, but once we do, we will release a joint statement.” ”

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