Mitt Romney Packed Univision, Got Tan, Threw Tantrum Backstage

Here’s more Mitt Romney bad news: according to BuzzFeed, the GOP Presidential Candidate not only had on his spray tan for his Univision Town Hall with The Latino Community, as discussed at Zennie62 on YouTube…

Mitt Romney Brown Face For Univision Latino Town Hall
But Governor Romney and his staff insisted on packing the house with his supporters, even to the point of bussing them in. By contrast, President Obama went with the audience of real Univision people and adressed the questions straight up. BuzzFeed reports:

But the enthusiasm gap may have been an optical illusion formed by a series of last-minute demands by the Romney campaign, according to Maria Elena Salinas, one of the Univision anchors who moderated the forums…Salinas told BuzzFeed that tickets for each forum were divided between the network, the respective campaigns, and the University of Miami (which hosted the events) — and she said both campaigns initially agreed to keep the audience comprised mostly of students, in keeping with the events’ education theme.

But that’s not all: Mitt lost it back stage! BuzzFeed reports:

While introducing Romney at the top of the broadcast, Salinas’s co-anchor, Jorge Ramos, noted that the Republican candidate had agreed to give the network 35 minutes, and that Obama had agreed to a full hour the next night. Ramos then invited the audience to welcome Romney to the stage — but the candidate didn’t materialize…”It was a very awkward moment, believe me,” Salinas said….Apparently, Romney took issue with the anchors beginning the broadcast that way, said Salinas, and he refused to go on stage until they re-taped the introduction. (One Republican present at the taping said Romney “threw a tantrum.”)

Man, it’s too bad there’s not a video of his tantrum!

Full BuzzFeed:

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