Casey Anthony Overload

Casey Anthony, Casey Anthony, Casey Anthony – not to sound insensitive, but would everyone just shut up? Stop reporting about it every twenty minutes. Give us updates when big stuff happens – it has gotten to the point where I’m not even following the news about. The lady is guilty, and everyone knows it. This is just way too overexposed. It’s always on the news – it’s everywhere. It’s understandable that this is a big deal, but can we all just get on with it and end all the overexposure. Every step she takes every photo found she always is in the news even things that aren’t involved with the trial. This news goes back to 2008, but now there’s all the mayhem of if she should testify, if the car evidence is conclusive, what happened to the body of her daughter, drowning, forensics – is it even worth following? Maybe I’m just waiting for the final news story with the verdict.

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