Naked Guys Piss Off SF; Supes Approve Nudity Ban

On a narrow vote made just five hours ago, the San Francisco Board Of Supervisors elected to ban public nudity in the City By The Bay. This means you won’t have to worry about sitting down in a seat in a restaurant that may have an unattended to wet spot.

You can thank a small band of folks for this: a set of gay men in The Castro, the center of San Francisco’s Gay Culture, who call themselves The Naked Guys. While San Francisco Supervisor Scott Weiner told the SF Board Of Supes it was gay men who were in favor of the ban, the activities of that group arguably pushed a six-to-five vote.

But the other related problem just might be the fact that it’s always the wrong people who want nudity rights in the Bay Area. It doesn’t matter if it’s the group of older women with droopy tits in Berkeley who pranced around Telegraph Avenue when I was a grad student, or the small band of gay men who call themselves The Naked Guys, they are the ones who’s bodies no one wants to see, and who push for their right to push their flesh in the face of the public – then do it.

If they had one ounce of political sense, they would let some hot women push the issue for them. A casual search for “SF Nudity” reveals images of men far more than women. That’s just wrong but the trouble is, no one says anything about it for fear of being labeled and attacked and bullied by a legion of men who want to go in the buff around SF..

The fact is, that the nudity bad passed has everything to do with a backlash that’s developed against this “in-your-face” behavior by men in San Francisco. It’s gone on for some time, so it’s no wonder people would want to put a stop to it – even in San Francisco.

The bottom line is the female form is more attractive to more people – sorry, it just is. What was totally out of whack, but makes some sense from a cold economic standpoint, is that women are less likely to go out and bear it all in public, making the desire to see an hourglass shape all the greater with respect to the too-often-shown male counterpart.

The Naked Guys should have taken a chill pill and recruited SF strippers to help them in a political fight, but that’s too late.

Because of this ban, we’re assured of not seeing hot naked women in San Francisco. Thankfully, we don’t have to bear witness to unclean men placing their naked butts on seats in eateries and women with breasts that hang so much, they’re unsightly.


But I have a feeling this fight’s not over. Trouble is, the same Naked Guys will be back to push their bodily agenda, not even getting the memo that the best way to gain attention and make change is to enlist an army of hot women to help them.

Stay tuned.

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