Moammar Gadhafi Killed, Hillary Clinton Says “Wow!”

After 42 years, Libya’s dictator Moammar Gadhafi was killed, and the range of really brutal events and expressions around his demise signals the emergence of a society that’s so violent, it’s scary. From the may he was killed (during a fight with rebels), to the reaction by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Now, I love Hillary (except when he ran against Barack Obama), who takes pride in the idea that she’s ready for her 3 AM wake up call. I get that, but has Secretary of State Clinton seen so much violence she’s desensitized to it?

Her reaction to the news that Gadhafi was killed was off-the-charts, when she said “Wow!” Then she quickly turned and commented that “It’s unconfirmed. We get those all the time.”

Like, “Hey, no big deal. I wanted the guy dead, so just get over with it.”

Man, if Mrs Clinton says “Off with his head!,” she means it.

Libya’s Future

Now, what for Libya’s future? President Obama said he looked forward to the development of free and fair elections. But let’s face it; what he and others want to see is another new market economy. My fear is that with the continued growth in the number of market economies, coupled with our own non-nationalist economic policy, America’s just going to suffer from even more jobs lost in the future.

Huma Abedin Back To Work

Huma Abedin, yes, that Huma Abedin – the one who’s Hillary Clinton’s right and the one married to now-former-Congressman Anthony Weiner, is also in the video where Secretary of State Clinton wowed us. If you look close, it’s obvious that Abedin’s not only working, but carrying – a baby. She’s very pregnant.

Well, it’s great to see that she’s getting along in life and about to become a mom.

Stay tuned.

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