Linday Lohan Problem Caused By TMZ, Eats Tax Dollars

Blame TMZ for Linday Lohan’s court visits!

This is just a plain old rant, but this blogger’s sick and tired of certain Hollywood media outlets bird-dogging every move actress Linday Lohan makes, and more to the point, seemingly trying to rat her out to the authorities, saying that she’s not following the terms of her probation.

Look, Linday Lohan’s drug problem is not my problem, and it’s not the problem of any California taxpayer. But when Ms. Lohan’s taken to jail and when she goes through the legal system, guess who pays for that? We do.

The latest example of this is Lohan’s supposedly being behind in her community service work. Reportedly, she’s got until April to finish it, and it’s November. But none of that stopped TMZ from putting the “exclusive” out there and arguably triggering the court session of Wednesday, where Lohan was arrested, and later posted $100,000 bail to get out of jail.

And all of this covered by TV cameras.

Then, TMZ told us she was late going to, of all places, the morgue, to report for her work. Well, first, what idiot would assign anyone to do volunteer work at the morgue? Second, given Lohan’s ablity to draw attention, why not assign her to spokesperson duty for some organization like, say, LA County Lee Sheriff’s Office?

That would be a good idea considering Sheriff Baca’s love for the camera!

That TMZ, Access Hollywood, and other Hollywood media organizations are watching these developments with glee is shameful. I personally do not care that someone thinks Lohan is being “treated differently than anyone else.”

Hey, genius, I’ve got news for ya. LOHAN IS DIFFERENT FROM THE REST OF US.

That there are people who can’t deal with the fact shows more what’s wrong with society than what’s wrong with Lohan.

Will someone like California Governor Jerry Brown step in and inject some sanity into this whole thing?


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