Kate Middleton Topless Nude Photos Still In Demand Online

UPDATE: Kate Middleton Nude Photo Scandal Hot, Yet Again.

Lest you think otherwise, Kate Middleton topless nude photos are still in demand for your online viewing pleasure. Some viewers over at Zennie62 on YouTube were disappointed this blogger did not go full out and post them in this video…

and there was a specific reason for that. As a YouTube Partner, one has to be careful not to make a video that contains solely of photos, let alone racy ones. The purpose of Zennie62 on YouTube is news commentary, which falls into fair use legal requirements for, well, news.

That way I can have Google AdSense ads posted on the video pages and earn revenue. Moreover, I have to be careful what kind of photos go up there so as not to activate YouTube’s algorithm that protects the community site guidelines. So, it was with those considerations that I created a video that’s news commentary and admittedly borderline in how far it goes.

But here – this is Zennie62 – we can go some steps beyond that. But not too much so. But just enough for us, you and me, to be able to say: Wow. “Kate, er Dutchess. You’ve got a hot body there.”

Look, because Kate Middleton’s hot, “Kate Middleton Topless Nude Photos” are still in demand. And while the court victory may have slowed distribution of the picts in France, it only concerned France, and arguably bricks-and-mortar magazine sellers and print media – new media’s a different story. Man, this thing’s all over the place online.

The photos are even on Gawker.

And while we had an outpouring of sympathy for Kate and Prince William (though there was comparatively no interest in his anatomy) over the idea that their privacy was invaded, once the word got out that they were cavorting nakedly on a patio with a view that the public could obtain back at them for the price of some powerful binoculars, a backlash view developed which said they had no business out in public. That idea was most famously advanced by New York Real Estate Developer Donald Trump, on Twitter:


And then, in today‘s Guardian UK, Rupert Sawyer, the CEO of Channel 8, explained why he published “Kate Middleton Topless Nude Photos” – and why he’s do it again:

Of course, unlike the sanctimonious tabloids (and “bored” sheets, like the Guardian) that have spent seven days condemning the French, the Swedish, the Danish and the Irish while writing relentless stories that include the keywords “Kate Middleton”, “topless”, “nude” and “photos” to deliberately attract disappointed red-blooded readers to their rags, my publications have had the courage to print the royally racy photos on the front page – and hang the consequences…But what has this got to do with paparazzi photographers snapping Kate Middleton over a fence, Rupert, I hear you ask. Well, it’s simple – once we accept privacy does not and cannot exist in 2012, everything becomes fair game, not exclusively, but especially, if it’s in the public interest. And considering the response to Boobgate, I think it’s fairly clear that the public are interested in seeing candid pictures of our Royal Family.

Here, here.

As I’ve said before, the very existence of the photos was borne of a horrible security detail for the Duchess and Duke of Cambridge. Where’s the outrage about that?

Stay tuned.

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