Kate Middleton Causes Raoul Tara Blouse And Skirt Sellout

When Kate Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge, is not sunbathing in the nude for horny onlookers to see from a distance of a thousand feet,

er, this story….

… or being the focus of The Daily Beats‘ upskirt fantasies (no, no link for you), she’s wearing clothes that, when in a photo or video, result in giant demand for the product. Such was the case with this Raoul Dress sellout story.

As reported by Duchess Of Style,…

Last Wednesday—the second day of her tour of Southeast Asia—the Duchess wore RAOUL’s Tara Blouse and Full Pleat Skirt through the streets of Singapore. The choice didn’t just pay tribute to RAOUL. It also nodded to Singapore, where the international fashion chain is based…RAOUL sold out of the skirt 24 hours after images of Kate in the outfit began surfacing on the Internet. ”We’ve seen an incredible increase in traffic to our website since The Duchess of Cambridge wore our clothes,” Douglas and Odile Benjamin, co-creative directors and chief executive officers of RAOUL, said in a statement. “She is an international style icon, and it is a great honor for us to be recognised by her.”

Get this: the RAOUL blouse was priced at $305 but sold out for a cool $1,000 at auction on EBAY.

Too bad no one got the name of the brand of bikini Kate was taking off in France.

This is what’s so cool about the industry of Fame: once a person achieves it, anything they do becomes a catalyst for a giant response. In the case of Kate Middleton, sunbathing causes photographs, which when sold, fetch such a giant dollar amount they save the very financial lives of some of the people involved in their distribution. Having Kate put on a dress causes thousands of orders of that very item of clothing.

Plus, she’s got the extra asset of being hot. That means legions of men waiting for the right gust of wind to blow up her skirt. Or perhaps catch her in a “Britney Spears” moment. It’s totally wild the reaction Kate generates, and with all this, she’s probably just a down-to-earth normal person.

One hopes…

Oh! The website for the dress, you ask? It’ here: http://www.raoul.com

Stay tuned.

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