Captain America Invades Twitter, Devil’s Double Brutal At Comic Con 2011

Comic Con 2011’s “Preview Day” was yesterday, and what a blast. (coverage here sponsored by To start, Marvel Entertainment’s Captain America hit the Twitter Top Trend, causing this blogger to totally ignore a self-imposed embargo and start with that news, and for this reason: I want to see the movie Captain America do well.

As I stated before, Captain America was a major part of my childhood, just as Spider-Man, Iron Man, and The Hulk. The idea of a “Captain America” movie has been kicked around for decades, with a lot of built-up anticipation. While the studio may have it’s own issues in how it handles publicity for the movie, that will not (for now) override the intense interest in this it.

Unlike Scott Pilgrim, which was the focus of a Twitter-based marketing effort, Captain America has no such program, so it’s position on Twitter is truly organic, and is a forecast of how well the movie will do.

This video below is from Wonder Con 2010, where there were a lot of “Captain America’s” running around. Here’s what one of them told me about his interest in the then-anticipated film, and the announcement that Chris Evans was going to play The Captain:

Chris Evans comes to Comic Con again in a few hours, at 10 AM, presenting a screening of the movie and then signing autographs at the giant Marvel Entertainment “Avengers Booth” at Comic Con.

Devil’s Double Brutal At Comic Con 2011

The movie about Saddam Hussein’s son Ue called The Devil’s Double can be called, simply, brutal. Here’s my video recap after seeing it at a Comic Con screening:

The Devil’s Double is also a great movie. I said good last night, but I’m upgrading that to “great.” More on this later.

Follow my 15-second video coverage on Tout here: More coverage of comics, not just movies, today!

UPDATE: One thing about Tout is that is allows you to make a kind of updated video stream of an event almost as it happens. It’s more effective than a live feed, because it’s divided into 15-second segments. It’s rather addictive.

And follow me on Twitter, too.

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