President Obama Leads 13 Points In Poll; Mitt Romney “Out Of Touch”

President Barack Obama has his largest lead in the race for re-election versus Republican Challenger Mitt Romney. According to Bloomberg, American President Obama leads by 13 points, 53 percent to 40 percent over former Governor Romney – the primary reason: Romney is seen as “out of touch” with voters.

Obama gets low marks for his handling of the Economy (which also means the poll failed to take into account Republican opposition to policies that would have improved the economy) but gets high marks for his ability to relate to voters.

About a third of likely voters rate Romney best at understanding their problems and struggles, and dealing with world leaders, while Obama draws majorities on both. And just 34 percent of respondents prefer Romney to Obama in appearing regularly on their TV and computer screens for the next four years; the president is the pick of 54 percent. Obama’s favorability ratings are the reverse of Romney’s, with 55 percent of Americans viewing the president positively, while 42 percent don’t.

Overall, voters in the poll reportedly see Barack as the “lesser” of two evils. I personally think such polls should include questions to test the economic knowledge of the people polled. I think there are a lot of Americans who just don’t get what’s happening with our economy either domestically or internationally. If they did, they’d give President Obama more support.

Here’s the link to Bloomberg:

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