Mad Men A Days Work Episode 2 A Real Racial Story

Mad Men A Days Work Episode 2 A Real Racial Story Mad Men Episode 2 A Days Work was one of the best ever in the entire series.

It was so because of the interplay of the shows two black characters Dawn and Shirley, who accurately depict how some white bosses treated them during that time. Peggy was shameful and childish.

And it was great to see Shirley stand up for herself against that ass of a replacement for Don Draper. Now it looks like she will be personnel director thanks to Joan, who will not put up with racism.

Meanwhile Sally knows her father Don Draper and perhaps too well. She catches him lying about his job status and calls him on it.

But what was the last scene all about where he steals a peek at her as she is going up the stairs in a short skirt? Why did they show that?

Stay tuned.

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