Rand Paul says that President Obama “could not be gayer” in expressing support for Gay Marriage, and himself sounds funny doing so. But the fact is Senator Rand Paul, the same man who I said was a wacky guy who’s views on civil rights are something out of the 1950s in my 2010 video….

Is proving to be not just wacky this time, but completely out of line and just plain sick.


Senator Paul stupidly opened up an avenue of discourse that will leave his opponents with every desire to call him every name in the book. It’s not constructive politics, but it seems to be what Rand Paul wants: that immature level of discussion where the players think they’re doing something by calling each other names. Nothing ever gets done at such a level of discourse, but when you have people, like Rand, who are just plain so frustrated that America isn’t the white-dominated country it was before the 1960s, their ability to reason has been overtaken by hate, and so such a point that, at times, it looks like a mental illness.

It’s a level of mental illness so great it doesn’t care that it insults a sitting President. It’s a level of mental illness so great that it would not think about working with anyone it perceives as different in some way; it seeks to destroy them. We have come to a point in America where these kinds of people who exhibit that level of screwed-up-ness are not only walking among us, but in the very halls of our Congress.

The only choice any reasonable person has is to work with them, but also label them for what they are: sick. I don’t blog that with glee, but Senator Paul and his sympathizers have forced my hand with their lack of respect for President Obama.

The bottom line for this blogger is that America has far more pressing problems then what someone does in their bedroom or who that person selects as a mate. Worrying about that is a losing proposition – we’re in a nation that claims to have been built on “the free” and is home to “the brave.” The objective of Americans who have their heads screwed on straight is to make sure the mentally ill don’t get their way.

The war is on.

By Zennie Abraham

Zennie Abraham | Zennie Abraham or "Zennie62" is the founder of Zennie62Media which consists of zennie62blog.com and a multimedia blog news aggregator and video network, and 78-blog network, with social media and content development services and consulting. Zennie is a pioneer video blogger, YouTube Partner, social media practitioner, game developer, and pundit. Note: news aggregator content does not reflect the personal views of Mr. Abraham.

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