2012 Is Year Of The Mistress: Petraeus, Petrino Had One… Now Jim Irsay?

Paula Broadwell
Paula Broadwell
Zennie62 has declared 2012 “The Year Of The Mistress.” This is the year where we’ve discovered that good men in power, married men, have had what a friend of mine calls “girls on the side.” Take the latest sex scandal that snared now-former CIA Director David Petraeus.

In that case, an unusual FBI investigation of ‘threatening emails’ sent to Florida socialite Jill Kelley from an unknown source ignited a flurry of activity that revealed that source to be Paula Broadwell, an accomplished West Point Grad who became “P4’s” biographer, and then after he was CIA Director, his lover, too.

Or take the famous sex scandal between Bobby Petrino and Jessica Dorrell, where a motorcycle crash on April Fools Day led to Petrino’s withholding information that he had a “female passenger” on with him. His cover-up attempts unraveled, and eventually the now-former Arkansas coach revealed that he had carried on an affair with Jessica Dorrell that lasted from October of 2011 to February; then Petrino subverted the university’s hiring process just to get her a job as his assistant, and that was after giving her $20,000 in cash to buy a car.

Then we’ve been bombarded with images and interviews with Rielle Hunter, John Edward’ mistress, who’s total lack of concern for Edwards’ cancer-fighting wife Elizabeth, and on top of John’s own lack of support for his wife in her time of need, turned a country against her. Hunter just may be the most hated mistress in American history.

(And isn’t it interesting that, according to The Daily Beast, Hunter and Paula Broadwell both live in the Dilworth area of Charlotte, North Carolina? Is that place a hideout for mistresses, or something?)

Mistress News Done Right

Those are examples of mistress action done wrong; this one may be an example of mistress action done right. Let me preface by saying that this blogger knows, likes, and admires Jim Irsay. So there’s no intention of smearing his good name here. But the way this news came about was due to the process of talking to a source who’s a friend of one of Irsay’s friends and just kept talking, even though she knew this blogger was, well, a blogger. And this conversation came up last night on the United Airlines flight, traveling to Atlanta where I’m visiting my mother to celebrate Thanksgiving.

In talking about what it was like to live in Indianapolis, the source and I started talking about the Indianapolis Colts and Lucas Oil Stadium. I mentioned that I thought Colts Owner Jim Irsay was a class act, and talked about how great he was to work with when I was trying to bring the Super Bowl to Oakland.

Perhaps upset over the Peyton Manning release, she first said “Yeah, the entire town was against Irsay for the Manning thing.” And we talked about how well Peyton was doing as the Broncos were on a five-game winning streak. Then she offered that her friend knows the woman who’s “his girl” and because of that relationship, they were able to sit one of Irsay’s boxes at the game. I said “What do you mean his girl?”

“His girl on the side,” she said so casually she might as well have been drinking water (come to think of it, she was). Now, the woman was aware that I blog, but she just kept on talking, and without the aide of a cocktail, or three. “But Irsay’s married, right,” I asked. “Yeah, but she knows about the other girl. That other girl’s a wackado,” she said.

Apparently the relationship with “Wackado,” has been ongoing and for some time. There’s no controversy in the relationship at all from what my source says, and both Irsay’s wife and the mistress are happy in their own space, or so says my source. “She’s nice looking for an older lady,” my source offered about the mistress she calls “Wackado.” Perhaps “Wackado” is more a friend with benefits, than a mistress. Which brings up the question, “Is a mistress a mistress if the wife knows about her?”

But as for the “Wackado” claim, I had to ask about that one. “What?” I asked. “Yeah, she’s nice, just a little out there.” I still don’t have meat on the bones of that claim, but whatever. I had thought to keep the matter to myself, until I happened to do a search for “Jim Irsay mistress,” and saw the post at the blog Busted Coverage, where Mr. Irsay has allegedly sent nude-type photos of himself to a woman described as his mistress.

Other than that, there’s nothing at all. But the blog post was enough of a smoking gun – along with my source’s very close associations with Irsay, and her powerful assertion that while the news was not publicly known Mr. Irsay’s wife was 100 percent aware of “his girl,” – to provide a trigger to run this blog post. So, we have to give Mr. Irsay credit for offering an instructive way of having a mistress in the 21st Century – let your wife know about it, but keep her happy, too.

Now I’m trying to wrap my mind around a scenario where Petraeus’ tells his wife Holly, “Hey Honey, I have this friend. Now, she’s just a friend, but I’m starting to think a little fun time would be interesting. But I don’t want to do it without your permission.” I don’t think that presentation would go over well at all. But then Petraeus doesn’t have Irsay’s money, either. For all of his fame, Petraeus doesn’t have the fortune to go with it. Morever, neither did Bobby Petrino.

The biggest difference here is Jim Irsay’s a wealthy and well-liked business man. Regardless of how you feel about his moves with Peyton Manning, or maybe you think he tweets too much, Irsay’s done a lot for Indianapolis, and even with the loss to the Pats, he has a team that could find itself in the AFC Championship Game. Then, there’s Jim’s support of Colts Head Coach Chuck Pagano during his fight against cancer this year. As far as I’m concerned, Jim Irsay can do no wrong (outside of the Manning move) – I’ll always be a Jim Irsay fan.


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