Zazzle Bay To Breakers Raises $150K For Charity; Eliminates Trash

Keywords: Zazzle, Bay To Breakers, San Francisco, Charity, Angela Fang, SF, Zennie62, Zennie Abraham

The 101th running of the Zazzle Bay to Breakers was declared a success by race organizers as it entered its second century in the San Francisco Bay Area.

After its inaugural year the newly launched Bay to Breakers charity program served as a fundraising platform and raised nearly $150,000. Nearly $30,000 of the $150,000 will return to the community as a result of a partnership between Big 5 Sporting Goods, NOPNA and ASNA. This money will go specifically to the parks in their neighborhoods with the best vantage points that are most frequented by race spectators and fans throughout race day. 

“As a race director, it is encouraging to see the changes we made in 2011 and continued in 2012, result in improvements for the race that also benefit the community,” said Race Director, Angela Fang. “We are so pleased that in its first year, the charity program raised $150,000, $30,000 of which will go directly to those neighborhoods that have supported this race for over a century,” Fang said.

Benefitting from the improvements put in place in 2011, the race continues to maintain its historically fun atmosphere.  The focus on fun and reducing the impact to the community has resulted in an improved and more environmentally friendly race, reducing the amount of trash on course by half. 

“Over the past two years, the race has shown a marked improvement and has had significantly less impact to surrounding neighborhoods thanks to the changes implemented by race organizers,” said Jarie Bolander, Former President of NOPNA. “We look forward to what the second century of the Zazzle Bay to Breakers has to offer.”
In 2011 the Zazzle Bay to Breakers boasted a sold-out race with 55,000 registrants, while both the 2010 and 2012 races hosted approximately 40,000 people on course.

In addition to sporting a cleaner race, The Zazzle Bay to Breakers is proud to announce these successes and extends many thanks to the local communities and the registrants that helped make for a successful 101st running. As the Zazzle Bay to Breakers begins planning for the 102nd race, organizers are excited to see all participants get ready to pound the pavement on May 19, 2013.

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