Hope Solo Shows Muscle Is Hot On Dancing With The Stars

Hope Solo was wronged. Let’s get that out of the way. A blogger at the Seattle Times, and a woman at that, for some reason decided to take off after the U.S. National Women’s Soccer Team Star with this title: “Hope Solo told to be ‘more feminine’ on ‘Dancing with the Stars’” That choice of blog post and title was just plain awful. But to get this out of the way, this blogger is a huge fan of Hope Solo…

And an unabashed fan of and supporter of women athletes, and the idea of women with muscle. So this Dancing With The Stars is one I take personally. A Hope Solo win would be the entertainment equivalent of a primal scream that says women can be lovely, smart, intelligent, assertive, and strong in appearance, and society should not only accept that, but demand it.

This is a huge deal, and Hope’s appearance on The View, in a short skirt, showing muscular, lovely legs and buffed arms, shocked the World. Hope’s All Woman.

Wonder Woman.

How huge is Hope’s participation? So huge that a blog post like the one by Amy Rolph set off a ton of alarm bells with her fans, like me.

There are a number of Twitter tweets blasting the blog post and Amy. I will only show one that hammers the blog post:

@Abelv03 Abel Vasquez
@hopesolo is amazing and gorgeous! What a surprise! Someone at the Seattle times is clueless. Shocker!

I will not go that far, rather, I’ll add this: we’re at a time and place where society is shedding a lot of “isms” and it’s hard for some people to deal with. The “ism” we’re talking about here, is sexism. Women can be sexist in how they block the cultural advancement of women. Hope is the answer to all this. If it’s true that the Lord places a person at a unique time and place, then the Lord selected Hope to deliver not just this message, but a ton of them.

Hope’s the Hollywood PR machines’s worst nightmare: someone who doesn’t fir the mold, who got in. Note how People Magazine kept her out – OUT – of a Dancing With The Stars cast photo. Note how the established stars who don’t have Hope’s aura are getting more photos and mention by gossip publications.

It’s not right and the best counter is social media. And here’s the part that helps the social networking effort: Hope’s got it going on and yet is grounded. And she’s got muscles! And I LIKE THAT.


Go on with your bad self and make it happen.

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