Godzilla Design Revealed; Elf Quest Panel Now At Comic Con

godzilla2014-designQuietly, the design for Godzilla as envisioned by its director Gareth Edwards was revealed Thursday, during Comic Con, and he’s a small frozen animal in a plastic glass cage, held in status, which means he can’t move.

Just kidding.

The glass box holds the design of a Godzilla that seems to be a cross between the 1985 Godzilla and the original 1954 Godzilla, plus a wee bit of the sleek, muscular look of the 1998 Godzilla.

The design is just the start of what’s expected to be a movie trailer clip that will be shown during the WarnerBros / Legendary Panel on Saturday, and as that’s primarily what I’m here for, that panel is where I’ll be.

Elf Quest Panel Now In Room 8

Wendy and Richard Pini are moderating a panel on their creation Elf Quest, which will be on Dark Horse Comics, and which Stephanie Thorpe and producing partner Paula Rhodes produced a short fan film, and are not talking about their desire to “expand the brand,” and as Thorpe put it, “assimilate everyone.”

If you don’t know what Elf Quest is, it’s described as “a cult hit comic book property that is a fantasy story about a community of elves and other fictional species who struggle to survive and coexist on a primitive Earth-like planet with two moons.”

They started with t-shirts just to plain get the word out, and that effort, alone, was met with applause from the panel. (You can buy them at Welovefine.com.) ElfQuestFanTrailer.com is the place where you can see the trailer work that got Thorpe and Rhodes in the face of Wendy and Richard Pini.

The Pinis are clearly excited over Stephanie and Paula’s energy on the panel.

They raised money via IndieGogo to start, but for the next step, as Paula said, the highest amount raised on IndieGogo would not pay for a set for the movie version of Elf Quest, let alone a trailer. So they reached out to friends for help.

The result is not just the fan trailer, but the effort that Stephanie and Paula talked about.

Stay tuned.

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