Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Captured! A Vlog On What We Learned

The video is in the memory of Martin Richard, Linzu Lu, Kathie Campbell, and Officer Sean Collier – the victims of the Boston Marathon Bombing team.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was captured and placed in custody Friday night. As of this writing, the 19-year-old one part of the two-man Boston Marathon Bombing team – his brother Tamerlin Tsarnaev died of gunshot wounds and being ran over by a carjacked Mercedez Benz driven by his brother – is in serious condition at a local Boston hospital.

What did we learn?

We learned that social media as a component in crime fighting and reporting works – in fact, it works better than mainstream media. Arguably every television media outlet made some mistake that was caught by social media, communicated, and corrected.

The reason was the availability of an online scanner app that, in effect, gave each listener its own law enforcement source, and one that was arguably better than the sources that anchors had which were not even close to the action. The scanner placed those who took time to listen right in the middle of the manhunt. Tech won that battle.

We learned of the willingness of social media to quickly correct itself and move on. That happened countless number of times, from checking the accuracy of online photos, to names, and to details about the suspects backgrounds.

We learned that President Obama’s the best Healer-In-Chief in our history.

We learned that Gov. Deval Patrick’s a pretty good leader – dare we say presidential candidate.

We learned of the resolve of Boston to gather as one, find, and locate the offending terrorist, and then stop their activities.

We learned a lot. More to come.

Stay tuned.

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