Rick Santorum Has A Problem With Black People

Why this is not looked at more is beyond this blogger, but GOP Presidential Candidate Rick Santorum has a massive racist problem with Black people.

As my upcoming video will openly show, Santorum not only associates Blacks with welfare, he brings up “us,” since I’m Black, in an audience while talking about general welfare policies for the poor in Iowa. 84 percent of welfare recipients in that state are White, not Black; 9 percent of Iowa welfare recipients are Black.

But that didn’t stop Santorum from saying he did not want “to make blacks people’s lives better with someone else’s money ,” to polite and muted applause from a crowd of Iowans who obviously wondered why he was mentioning Black folks out of the blue. And even worse was his idea that Blacks – folks who look like me – don’t have opportunities to make money on our own. But what was worse is Santorum got on Fox News and told Bill O’Reilly he never made the comment, yet it’s on video.

And before that, while commenting on President Obama’s “date night” with his wife in 2009, Santorum launched into a rather stupid commentary on how President Obama’s showing poor blacks in the inner city how a good family man behaves toward his wife. I’m paraphrasing but the words were along that idea, and it was pretty jarring to see a guy say that stuff in the 21st Century.

Rick Santorum has a race problem with Black folks, and all of the denying, or getting Herman Cain to defend him, will not hide it.

What’s sad is that this is was not made more of an issue by others in the media. There’s a lot more to Rick’s problems with Blacks like me.

Stay tuned.

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