Alexis Tsotsis Of TechCrunch Says AOL “Undeniably Sucks”

Alexis Tsotsis and her current boyfriend Gabe Rivera of Techmeme
After it was purchased by America Online – opps, AOL – for $30 million, and saw Huffington Post Founder Arriana Huffington become the boss over it, TechCrunch tech blog has went through a huge change of people over the last year, with the departure of Founder Michael Arrington, CEO Heather Harde, and writers Paul Carr, Sarah Lacy, and MG Siegler (who took off for CrunchFund, then revealed that all of his blog posts were bullshit).

With that turnover, and the intense hatred some outside TechCrunch have for AOL’s page-view-oriented, content driven business model, you’d think the remaining folks inside TechCrunch would love AOL, right?

Well, think again. Check out what TechCrunch Writer Alexis Tsosis wrote in her personal blog on December 17th, 2011:

The people who have left are huge and established talents (to whom I owe A LOT), but to say that TechCrunch has fallen apart discounts the talent of the writers still there: Leena Rao, Jason Kincaid, Eric Eldon, Josh Constine, Greg Kumparak, John Biggs, Sarah Perez, Jordan Cook, Devin Coldeway, Robin Wauters, Rip Empson, Mike Butcher, Matt Burns, Jon Orlin and myself.

And sometimes, Steve Cheney and Semil Shah and Roi Carthy and of course, Erick Schonfeld, who is more an editor than a writer, but what the hell?

We are all still finding our voice while TechCrunch is changing. Aol undeniably sucks, but honestly is still a tremendous platform and many of us will go on to do great things once this particular drama subsides.

(Note, the bold emphasis was mine.)

I’m curious to know why AOL “undeniably sucks” and does that mean Alexis is out of the TechCrunch door next? It so, that would be another body blow to the trend-setting tech blog.

Stay tuned.

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