Cory Booker Wins NJ Senate Seat, First Black New Jersey Senator

Cory Booker’s amazing political rise takes another major step as the now former Mayor of New Jersey becomes the first black senator of that state in history.

Booker beat his Republican Challenger Steve Lonegan 43 percent to 56 percent for Booker.

Afterward, Cory Booker gave this speech:

Now the question becomes what kind of Senator will Cory Booker be?

In my video, I expressed concern that Senator-elect Booker may not be behind President Obama entirely. A lot of my concern had to do with the time Booker threw Obama under the bus when the issue of Bain Company came up on Meet The Press during the 2012 Presidential Campaign.

The party line was to be around how Bain was actually responsible for many Americans losing their jobs due to corporate downsizing. Instead of admitting that, Booker said that the accusation was “nausiating.” My issue was that if he didn’t want to be an Obama campaign surrogate on that, he should have not offered to play that role.

My video:

So I wondered then, and wonder now, what kind of Senator he would be to Barack Obama as President. I referred to Booker at the time as a “black crab barrel” meaning that he, as a black man, would seek to bring down a black man ‘on top’ out of jealously.

There were a number of Obama supporters upset with Booker for that action at the time. But Obama won re-election, and now all is well. President Obama even recorded this YouTube video to tell supporters to vote for Cory Booker:

Still, what kind of Senator will Cory Booker be? He’s a man who said he admires Ted Cruz and Rand Paul. But it turns out I may have taken that comment out of context. Booker’s reportedly using both junior senators as an example of how one can come in and shake-up Washington D.C. Let’s hope that was the only reason he used both Cruz and Paul as elected officials he admires. But let’s also hope Booker doesn’t go back to throwing President Obama under the bus just to prove he’s no one’s ‘boy’ either.

We need a counter to the Tea Party, and President Obama needs Cory Booker’s help. Here’s hoping Booker gives it to him.

Stay tuned.

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