Rick Perry Gay, Stripper Sex Rumors Rise After Ron Paul Supporter’s Ad

Is Rick Perry Gay? Did Governor Perry have sex with strippers?

While Governor Perry’s camp hoped it would not happen, questions and rumors that Texas Governor and GOP Presidential Nomination Candidate Rick Perry is either Gay and, or, slept with strippers and escorts, have resurfaced after Robert Morrow, a Republican, Ron Paul For President Supporter, and the self-proclaimed President of The “Committee Against Sexual Hypocrisy,” or “CASH” took out this ad in the Austin Chronicle which reads:

“Are you a stripper, an escort, or just a young “hottie” impressed by an arrogant, entitled governor of Texas? Contact CASH and we will help you publicize your direct dealings with a Christian-buzzwords spouting family values hypocrite and fraud.”

And the Gay rumor was first mentioned last year by blogger Mike Stark, of The Stark Report, but for some weird and unknown reason, Stark stopped blogging about.

Here’s my video on the “Perry Gay” question:

But the important central part of Stark’s blog, the focus of this Zennie62.com blog post, remains unaddressed to this writing:

As I began looking into this, I repeatedly heard detailed rumors of a past gay relationship between the Governor and his former Secretary of State, Geoff Connor. A version of this story included Perry’s wife, Anita, catching Connor and Perry in the act and screaming at him the next day from her office phone. The most common retelling has it that the Governor was caught, struck a quick (and expensive) deal with his wife that allowed him to avoid an immediate trip to divorce court, and swore everyone involved to secrecy.

I also learned of a new rumor making the rounds. Several sources told me they had heard that the Governor is in a current gay relationship with one of the two (male) chefs that Perry he keeps on staff at the tax-payer funded ($10,000 a month) temporary governor’s mansion.

What’s interesting, given the longevity and evolving nature of these rumors, is that as far as I can tell, no media outlet has ever publicly asked the Governor the simple question: “Are you gay?”

And still, while Perry has been on the campaign trail this week, and acting like a smart-alec with respect to President Obama and Federal Reserve boss Ben Bernanke, the “Perry Gay” question has gone un-asked. The bet in this corner is that will remain the case, unless there is significant pressure from the Internet.

On top of the “Perry Gay” issue, is the “Perry Stripper Escort” talk.

The same Mr. Robert Morrow who’s the President of CASH, wrote a long explanation for his passionate campaign against Governor Perry, and writes “Adulterer Rick Perry is sitting on a keg of slut-fueled nitroglycerine that if it ever exploded, would make Anthony Weiner look like a mere pimple popping.” As recited in the Ellis County Observer of August 4, 2011 (another wild even on my birthday), Morrow’s comments make a worthy read:

Tea Party fraud Rick Perry

is Political Herpes

By Robert Morrow Austin, TX 512-306-1510

I urge you to NOT vote for Rick Perry who is one of the biggest frauds and phonies in American politics. I am a 3-time delegate to the Texas Republican convention (2006, 2008, 2010) and I live in Austin, TX. Here why Rick Perry is completely unqualified to be president.

The first thing you need to know about Rick Perry is that he is (or has been) a flagrant adulterer. Nor does Perry understand or appreciate free market capitalism and the importance of low taxes for all; Perry is a crony capitalist and he likes to spend and borrow lots of money. Perry does not respect parental rights (HPV mandate).

The same man who is using a presidential prayer rally for his personal ambitions and who often spouts Christian buzzwords and Bible talk to advance his political career is a flagrant adulterer, having sex with women who are the approximate age of his daughter Sydney, age 24.

Rick Perry’s Adultery (& his Arrogance)

I know this because I am a patron of Austin strip clubs. My friends and excellent contacts in the Austin strip club community tell me that Rick Perry, a la Bill Clinton, has an enabling entourage who gets him “young hotties” to have sex with – both here in Austin and especially when he is on the road. I learned about this before the 2010 Texas primary. I had an attractive stripper tell me about her direct dealings with Rick Perry. She said that she was attempting a Monica Lewinsky-type act upon Gov. Rick Perry (oral sex) but that in her words Perry was “too coked up” to perform sexually! When it came time for the stripper to leave, Perry gave her an outrageous amount of money, so large in fact that it probably means that Perry is taking cash bribes or illegal gifts to fund his extracurricular activities. Perry is not a rich man and I doubt he is spending that much of his own money on the women. (Actually sweetheart real estate deals have made the man unusual money.)

Another young woman, who has had direct dealings with Perry’s enabling entourage, told me that Perry is especially flagrantly adulterous when he goes on the road. She said that Perry has sex with the “young hotties” and that Perry and his entourage are literally having orgies in his hotel room. They are either calling escort services or picking up “young hotties” impressed by an arrogant, entitled governor of Texas.

Recently a local Austin reporter was telling me that they had heard about Rick Perry and the strippers in 2006, but they never could nail it down. Well, consider it confirmed. Additionally, there are many people in Austin who are convinced that the man is a homosexual or has had gay affairs in the past. I have never met a man who has had sex with Rick Perry, but I have met women who have had direct dealings with Adulterer Rick Perry and his enabling entourage. Perry has most definitely been living a double life.

That brings up another disqualifying characteristic of Perry: he is arrogant. Rick Perry knows his adultery rap sheet and liability more than anyone else. Perry is fully aware of the tremendous amount of risk this brings to the Republican party, his political career, his personal life and reputation. Yet, Rick Perry, drunk with arrogance and entitlement, presents himself as a legitimate presidential candidate when he is anything but that. Adulterer Rick Perry is sitting on a keg of slut-fueled nitroglycerine that if it ever exploded, would make Anthony Weiner look like a mere pimple popping.

Side note: it is no secret in Austin that for years Rick and Anita Perry have been having marital problems (no wonder); but enabling Anita is wearing her “Hillary Clinton” boots as she supports his presidential run. Anita sure did not support Perry’s 2010 governor’s race, as she rarely went to campaign events and when she did she never smiled, had a robotic look on her face and obviously did not want to be there. At the moments of Rick’s greatest triumphs, Anita would be on stage with a blank look on her face, looking like a lost, unhappy child amidst all the cheering for Adulterer Rick.

Anita’s behavior was so obvious that a local columnist John Kelso wrote an article about her never smiling on the campaign trail: “Somebody needs to goose Anita Perry to get a smile out of her.” http://www.statesman.com/news/local/somebody-needs-to-goose-anita-perry-to-get-1203160.html

For the rest of the Morrow post – which dives into more commentary on Perry’s flip-flopping politics, and less the substance that concerns the subject of this blog post click here.

While his is the work of a largely disgruntled Republican in Morrow, there must be some reason why traditional Republicans like Morrow and Karl Rove would come forward, speaking in the negative about Governor Perry. There’s also the matter of the people who were feeding rumors to Mike Stark last year, well before the 2010 midterm elections.

Something’s in the wind. Blowing.

Stay tuned.

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