Comic Con Wants Wonder Con In San Francisco Says David Glanzer

David Glanzer
David Glanzer
In this blogger’s annual talk with David Glanzer, the Director Of Public Relations for Comic Con International, it was revealed that Comic Con wants to come back to San Francisco, but is still waiting for a response from the City and County of SF.

That was one of a number of topics David Glanzer and I talked about, but it was the major one. Two years ago, Wonder Con was forced out of Moscone Center and out of San Francisco, due to planned expansion of the North Hall.

As San Francisco lacked alternative space, and Oakland and San Jose seemed unable to and reluctant to step up and take the giant convention gathering, Comic-Con International moved the Wonder Con operation to Anaheim. During it’s time there at the Anaheim Convention Center, attendance has steadily grown – but Comic Con’s Glanzer insists that San Francisco is where they want to be.

More soon from the video interview.

Stay tuned. Follow Zennie62 on Twitter at Comic Con

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