Comic Con 2011: Wes Craven Over Captain America

Comic Con 2011 is one day away – Wednesday night is preview night – and this blogger’s getting ready to go. But one event that will be skipped, at least by me, but perhaps not by my colleague, is the Captain America Event at Horton Plaza Thursday Morning that was mentioned in this space.

There are two problems: publicists for horror movie legend Wes Craven have sent press releases and announcements about their Thursday morning panel, which just happens to start at the same time as the Captain America screening – 10 AM. I contacted Paramounts publicists, expecting to receive some info, but also a tad bit vexed that I wasn’t contacted, as I’m on the Comic Con press list.

But instead of being treated like one of the Comic Con media, the Paramount Pictures publicists basically treated me like crap, or more to the point, like some fan who wants to just be in the event.

Look, frankly, Captain America has been a part of my childhood, so being able to make video blogs about the movie and its star Chris Evans would be a treat. But only within reason.

I know, Paramount knows, and you know that there will be media covering the Captain America event, so Paramount asking me to get there early and stand in line is crap. Moreover, it’s a slap in the face to the PR people I’ve worked with for Comic Con to this point.

Paramount is one of those Hollywood studios that doesn’t get how New Media works. They only want “certain people” covering their event, which flies in the face of what a publicist is supposed to do: generate publicity.

This happened before, at last year’s Comic Con 2010, but I managed to talk my way around it. The result was an excellent video with part of the Expendables Cast.

Now, that written, I’ve been a Wes Craven fan for almost as long as I’ve been a Marvel Comics fan. The master of scream. The maker of Scream. At Comic Con.

Sorry Captain America! Get better publicists! Please!

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