Russell Brand On MSNBC Morning Joe Calls Mika Brzezinski “Shaft Grasper”

Russell Brand
Russell Brand
Russell Brand went on MSNBC Morning Joe to talk about his comedy tour called ‘Messiah Complex,’ but was met with some unintentional disrespect by co-host Mika Brzezinski (Joe Scarborough was not there), and panelists Katty Kay and Brian Shactman. The resulting response by Mr. Brand was nothing short of classic. But it’s the result of MSNBC’s “celebrity kick” as I call it.

Perhaps as a way to boost ratings, someone at MSNBC came up with the idea of having celebs on the shows. Hardball has the actor Chris Noth on the same day that Russell Brand was on Morning Joe. The Noth apperance was more tame, but at one point the Democrat wanted to go on a rant about how there aren’t enough Dems in the media (yeah!), but hos Chris Matthews skillfully redirected him.

Mika Brzezinski was not so well skilled.

“Is this what you all do for a living?” Brand said. “Well let me help you: I’m here to promote a tour called ‘Messiah Complex.’ It’s here for the people of America. I want the people of America to come and see me do stand up. Go to RussellBrand.TV where you can purchase tickets to see me. These people, I’m sure, are typically very, very good at their job. You’re conveying news to the people of America? People of America, we’re going to be okay. Everything’s alright. These are your trusted anchors.”

When Mika Brzezinski keeps on her path of referring to Brand as if he wasn’t present, he snaps at her, “What’s wrong with your manners? Be polite!”

Then, Brand continued:”Look beyond the superficial. That’s the problem with current affairs. You forget about what’s important. You allow the agenda to be decided by superficial information. What am I saying? What am I talking about? Don’t think about what I’m wearing. These things are redundant, superficial.”

Then, as Brzezinski was clearly getting nervous, Brand went for the jugular. Noticing that she was moving her hands up and down her water bottle, he said “what are you doing there…you’re a shaft grasper.”

Too funny.

Stay tuned.

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