Dzhokhar Tsarnaev And Tamerlan Tsarnaev Boston Marathon Bombing Suspects

boston-suspectsDzhokhar Tsarnaev and Tamerlan Tsarnaev are officially the Boston Marathon Bombing Suspects. That headline is hard to find, so this blog post was made to help make that less of a problem.

And with that, this blogger can now say that the end of my video was correct and that Mike Mulugeta and Suill Tripathy are not The Boston Marathon Bombers.

Right guys, wrong names, thanks to a lot of media misinformation. In the wee hours of Friday morning, Mike Mulugeta was widely reported to have been the one who was killed in a gunfight with police; not so, it was Tamerlan Tsarnaev.

Where Mike Mulugeta is, is he was never there. Moreover, Mr. Mulugeta’s actual photos are that of an Ethopian black man, not a Russian or Turkish man.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev And Tamerlan Tsarnaev

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and Tamerlan Tsarnaev have been in America for longer than the one year The Associated Press initially reported. Of the brothers, the younger Dzhokhar Tsarnaev became a naturalized U.S. Citizen on September 11th 2012, but has been in America long enough to have gotten himself in some way connected with Umass Dartmouth, to the point where he had a college ID card and used it to work out and generally, reportedly, enjoy access to the school. This, even as Umass Dartmouth claims Dzhokhar was never enrolled at the college.

That’s weird, because I’m listening to MSNBC and they, as are CNN and other news outlets, are saying that Dzhokhar was a wresler at the school. And on Twitter , he’s said to have stayed in a dorm there, that’s now being evacuated.

Why The City-Wide Lockdown For One Guy?

Davey D has went on a rant about how government has used Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s still at-large status to lock down a giant city, Boston, with millions of people. He’s concerned that this is a kind of prelude to government police state control.

Well, he’s right. Davey D is right. But it also seems that we’re sadly willing to give up freedom to allow that in the trust that law enforcement will catch Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. I wonder if we would be better served by letting the public catch this guy. There’s something that seems inefficient about this practice of letting a poorly-funded handful of people look for one guy in a huge urban area.

Stay tuned.

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