Kevin Costner At Whitney Houston Funeral Talks Bodyguard, Race, Love

Kevin Costner At Whitney Houston Funeral Talks Bodyguard, Race, Love.

The Whitney Houston Funeral was amazing and there were many great speeches, performances, and eulogies. But Kevin Costner’s eulogy stands out in this blogger’s mind because as the co-star of The Bodyguard, he and Houston made a path breaking movie of interracial love that had nothing to do with race issues in 1994.

Now, after Houston’s passing Costner took time to share with the World how he fought to have her in the movie, the issues the studio had about Whitney being Black, and her own issues with being thought of as good enough.

In the process of being an iconic White Male movie star speaking at this Black Baptist Church, after the passing of an icon, Costner did more not just for the already improved Black / White relationship, but for how we look at ourselves as a nation.

Kevin reminded us that we’re all really much more alike than we realize. He also reminded us of how special and brilliant Whitney Houston is.

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