The Iraq War is Over

CNN, Fox and all the other mainstream media channels have announced and confirmed that the war in Iraq is officially over. The war began in 2003 and now it has finally come to an end, it is almost hard to believe, but at the same time it is about time. Thank you Barack Obama for bringing the troops home from Iraq, but what about Afghanistan? It seems as though that is far from being over.

The New York Times reported:

“Although Thursday’s ceremony represented the official end of the war, the military still has two bases in Iraq and roughly 4,000 troops, including several hundred who attended the ceremony. At the height of the war in 2007, there were 505 bases and more than 170,000 troops.”

MSNBC reports:

“For President Barack Obama, the military pullout is the fulfilment of an election promise to bring troops home from a conflict inherited from his predecessor that tainted America’s standing worldwide.”

It seems as though this song is more than appropriate:

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