“BMVEntertainment” Uses YouTube To File False Copyright Claims

If you’re a YouTube Partner, or even just a person uploading a video to YouTube, you may find yourself the victim of firms like the so-called “BMVEntertainment.” This blogger did, but is fighting back.

“BMVEntertainment” just today filed a copyright claim against my video called “Cleveland RTA Bus Driver Hits Girl, Gets Suspended.” This one:

It has been seen over 100,000 times as of this writing. “BMVEntertainment” was not the person on the bus, and parts of the video have been used for fair use legal news commentary, as I have done. That’s where a part of a video is used with commentary to make a point and report the news – it’s done every day.

It’s common for companies to buy non-exclusive rights to use the video, but then what companies like “BMVEntertainment” do (and the Associated Press tried to do this once) is run around YouTube looking for other places where the video was already up, and then file what are false copyright claims against existing videos that have been up for weeks – like mine. Why? To take your ad revenues from you.

But as it happens, “BMVEntertainment” files claims against almost any YouTube video, and there’s no way for the video maker who receives the complaint to know “BMVEntertainment” has no rights to the video at all.

Moreover, there’s no evidence that “BMVEntertainment” exists.

Look at this video about “BMVEntertainment” and its fraudulent practices.

What should you do in the future? Simple. Fight any and every claim that comes your way. Every single one.

I have found that I’m correct 98 percent of the time. The only occasion I had an issue where I lost concerned Scarlett Johansson’s lawyer, who, if I had pushed the challenge, I could have beaten over her smartphone photos, but elected not to do so out of respect for her. The photo that was sent to me was used as news commentary and within a medley of subjects, so he was wrong.

But, as it turned out, Scarlett Johansson’s email was hacked and the photo was released without her doing.

But I would not have learned a thing had I not challenged that claim. So, as stated, challenge every claim, and contact every claimant. Never assume a person’s right, especially when you know you’re actions were correct and legal.

Stay tuned.

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