Jim Harbaugh v Jim Schwartz: Poll Says Schwartz Wrong

In the “NFL Hand Shake Scandal” between San Francisco 49ers Head Coach Jim Harbaugh and Detroit Lions Head Coach Jim Schwartz, who was right? An unscientific but hard to game poll at Zennie62.com reports that 58 percent of those who responded say Jim Schwartz was wrong.

If you’ve not seen the incident, I talk about it here:

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell has essentially said that because no punch was thrown, there’s no basis for a fine.


Here’s a sample of some thoughtful YouTube comments:

It looked like a pat on the back to me. I don’t really know why Schwartz chased him down. My only guess is that he was mad because the 49ers ended their perfect season. I do think Schwartz was at fault because he could of just walked away. Harbaugh did take the blame during his press conference so kudos to him. Its possible that Harbaughs old antics came into play, nobody knows what he said to Schwartz. I’m a Steelers fan so no, i’m not biased.
ntfd125 1 day ago

shocked by these opinions…its clear to wise human beings that harbaugh has always been a jerk…to think otherwise means still worshiping your high school bully…that smirking non apology is proof…no wonder why michigan denied this ignorant jock admission to grad school
nelbragg 11 hours ago

Schwartz was being a child. I’ve seen middle-school students who can deal with insults better than that. You should be able to have a little self-control by the time you reach that age and you should have a lot more patience and self-control than the average person if you’re a coach on a professional sports team. I’m rooting for Detroit to have a good season (Giants fan) but that behavior is just inexcusable, no matter what.
MisterDyslexo 1 day ago

What do you think? Take the poll for yourself:

<a href="https://www.sodahead.com/entertainment/jim-harbaugh-v-jim-schwartz---whos-right-a-poll/question-2227221/" title="Jim Harbaugh v Jim Schwartz - Who's Right? A Poll">Jim Harbaugh v Jim Schwartz &#8211; Who&#8217;s Right? A Poll</a>

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